Brian Newman
Brian Newman is a 12th generation New Yorker, born of a family of patriots from the Mohawk River Valley. He moved to McKinney, Texas in 2012 and joined and later served as Executive Director for McKinney Tea Party until he created Collin Strong in 2018. During his 5 years with the McKinney Tea Party he scheduled over 100 events and speakers, grew membership by 50%, and created and delivered the first major collaborative Republican event under the coalition RCCC (Republican Coalition of Collin County). Since 2018, Brian has led campaign coordination for local elections with the creation of the Collin Strong Candidate School. He has also built a volunteer block walk army into a year round operation, including admin support, and software. On weekends, you can spot him in his snazzy red sneakers, organizing walkers - they have helped reach over 100k homes since 2019. Over the past 2 years, Brian has hosted the Republican Round Table of Collin County which is a weekly accountability call for Grassroots and Elected Officials.
Brian is President and Founding Partner of the Board of Collin Strong
Darrell Hale
Darrell Hale is a 20 year Collin County resident who is currently the Republican County Commissioner (CC-P3). He served as Captain in the Army, and earned a Mapping Charting and Geodesy with Computer Engineering degree from the US Military Academy at West Point. Darrell brings deep telecom and business building experience, he grew the two largest painting franchises nationally in just 5 years. As a member of the McKinney Tea Party, he led social media and web strategies and accelerated the team’s data capabilities. Darrell was instrumental in the fight for property rights during the forced annexation hearings in McKinney Texas in 2017. In November 2018, Darrell was elected to Collin County Commissioner, Precinct 3, to fill the remaining term of newly elected Collin County Judge Chris Hill. Darrell was overwhelmingly re-elected in November 2020 to a 4 year term. We love Darrell. He came up with the idea of the Collin Strong Candidate School while walking his dog, and is the lead on our block walker data team.
Darrell is Treasurer and Founding Partner of the Board of Collin Strong
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia is a two-year resident of Collin County who is currently serving our community on multiple philanthropic and advisory boards. Anthony is passionate about fighting the illegal drug trade destroying our culture and especially our youth. Anthony has a background in youth education and Information Technology with a bachelor’s in business management. He has worked and volunteered on winning partisan and nonpartisan campaigns. Anthony isn’t a Texan but he got here as fast as he could! We welcome Anthony, and his dedication to advancing our core principles, to the Collin Strong Board in 2022.
Anthony is Place 5 and Member of the Board of Collin Strong